Apr 072014

bvt-grayscaleRtadhvaja Swami and Giriraj Swami read and spoke from Kabe Habe Bolo by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura.

“This is the aspiration of the devotee who is making advancement—to relish the ecstasy of the holy name. Not as a selfish desire, but as a sign that Krishna and the acharyas are pleased, that they have granted him admittance into the nectarean realm of pure chanting. Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura mentions specifically, ‘after grasping the feet of a saint who constantly relishes the flavor (rasa) of devotion.’ ‘Grasping the feet’ can be taken literally, but ‘grasping the feet’ can also mean holding tightly to the instructions and following them.” —Giriraj Swami

Rtadhvaja Swami and Giriraj Swami on Kabe Habe Bolo