Aug 222016

“Mrs. Nair’s husband died, and eventually she had a a change of heart. She surrendered to Srila Prabhupada and said, ‘I really didn’t go along with my husband; I didn’t want him to do that.’ Srila Prabhupada replied, ‘Don’t worry. You are like my daughter. If a man is going on the wrong path in the morning and comes to the right path in the evening, he is not lost. Now you have taken the right path and have reached home. You can stay in any of our centers; we will take care of you. Now you just devote the rest of your life to Krishna, chanting Hare Krishna and serving Krishna. Everything will be all right.’

“The registrar had come out to Juhu, and Mrs. Nair and Srila Prabhupada signed the documents. Then a big feast was served. Afterwards Srila Prabhupada leaned back on his asana and said, ‘It was a good fight. Someone should write a book about it.’ ”

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Home Program, Galt, California